Sixth Sense or Nonsense ROGER, May 21, 2024May 21, 2024 It’s just a feeling that you get like something or someone is trying to tell you something is wrong or warn you about something. Some call it a gut feeling, or instinct, and some say it’s intuition. Whatever you may choose to call it and whether or not it can even be clearly defined, there is something to it. Most law enforcement officers agree. If you suddenly find yourself in a precarious situation where your Spidey senses are going off, you should listen to it and take every possible precaution. Our mothers used to warn us to listen to that little voice inside our heads, And even many prestigious business leaders such as Steve Jobs, place high value on instinct. Any good gambler will admit, he earns his living based on his instincts. There is way too much anecdotal evidence to ignore its existence. Is it possible instinct is no more than our subconscious minds picking up on subtle clues we are too distracted to notice? That is probably the explanation science and the world wants us to accept. Or could it be a guardian angel looking out for us? We may never know for sure, but the next time you start feeling that something isn’t quite right, you may not want to be so quick to dismiss it. My personal belief is that God communicates with us on many different levels. Wisdom and good judgment represent two of the more common of these. The Bible also tells us he can speak to us through our dreams or visions. He can use other people to get his message across to us. And providing your eyes are open, he sends us signs. But my favorite form of communicating with God is through the Holy Spirit. When he speaks to you, it’s not a language mankind can understand or explain except on a spiritual level. As further proof, Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18, which says the same thing in God’s own words. Communicating with the Holy Spirit is like hearing him with each of your five senses, all at the same time. You don’t just hear him, you feel and experience him, throughout your body. You will never encounter the Holy Spirit, without incurring change. In Biblical accounts, no one remained the same after meeting Jesus. He can calm your storm, bring peace to your soul, do away with your guilt, and take away your burdens all at once, and he asks so little in return! There truly is no high that can compare. You won’t find an experience more exhilarating, or a deeper feeling of peace anywhere. If your sixth sense is telling you something is wrong in your life, or warning you that something is missing, don’t ignore it! Most likely, it’s not your senses at all, it’s God’s Holy Spirit talking to your heart. Read Revelation 3:20. It is not God’s desire that any soul should perish, he wants us all to share in life everlasting and he made a way possible. His invitation is open to one and all who are willing to accept it. Whatever you’ve done in the past, or who you are today, makes no difference to him. What matters to him, is only that you come. He is offering a clean slate and a new beginning. Are you happy with your life, who and what you are? Are you satisfied with yourself or is there a little voice inside your head warning you that something is missing and not quite right? Don’t deny his spirit, it could be the last worst mistake of your life. Share on FacebookPost on XFollow usSave Uncategorized